
I know that all of you who follw this blog have the inside scoop on new openings and deals, amazing ideas and lots to share!  I would love to hear from you, see your photos and even DIY tutorials!  Please submit your images and/or a link with a description to  Please only send single images, absent of watermarks (I promise to credit the photographer!) and due to the design of the site, images should be approximately 400 pixels wide.   I am here to help if you have any questions regarding this!

If you do not see a posting regarding your info....DO NOT WORRY!  There are so many fantastic posts coming in that sometimes it takes a few days to go through them all.  Believe me...If you're submission is not posted it does not mean I was not interested. WHY?   because I can't help but post all of your ideas! I promise I will get to it so keep checking back!
Thank you and I look forward to seeing your submissions!