Advertise with Lucky Local
Lucky Local is a "new-kid-on-the-blog." We started in October 2010 and hope to be the go to blog for everything hip and happening in every major city in the world. For now...We begin with Calgary. We estimate our key traffic and audience metrics to grow at 15-20% a month!
Why? By posting sassy editorial accompanied by the inside scoop on relevant events, restaurant openings, sales, fresh ideas and fantastic photography and video of it all! Our readers can't get enough! Our audience is passionate, posh and perfectly plugged-in to what's going on around them. They are a group of women (mostly) interested in a one-stop-shop kind of site where they can share ideas and get good info.
Interested in getting lucky? Whether you’re an international brand or an independent business, Lucky Local Ads program will serve as a way to reach a highly targeted audience to serve your business objectives. We welcome the chance to work with you to create a campaign that suits your business and your budget. Because we are soley supported by ads like yours, We sincerely thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor.
Interested in getting lucky? Whether you’re an international brand or an independent business, Lucky Local Ads program will serve as a way to reach a highly targeted audience to serve your business objectives. We welcome the chance to work with you to create a campaign that suits your business and your budget. Because we are soley supported by ads like yours, We sincerely thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor.
If you would like to receive more information on our audience composition and sponsorships, please email me at with the subject “advertising.” When emailing, please also include a link to your brand/product so I can determine if you are a good match for my readers.